Monday, August 13, 2007

Thoughts of THAT Dude, Vol. 2

Ok, I'm going to be honest, I don't have anything angrily insightful today, but all I know is this video is hilaaaaarious. All I have to say is Spiderman and water hose... Enjoy...

Army Boy - Crank Dat Army Boy


ash money fiscal said...

"I can't think bout nothin to rhyme with Jah but Robot cop"

or whatever..


GOAT said...

Can we say minstrel show? I despise moments like this in American History.

Wordsworth the IV said...

he was talkin about Joc'n the motorcycle dance that came out of the A and took the world by storm a short time ago. Personally I find this video to be hilarious. Im born and raised in Atlanta and believe me, you have no idea the amount of ignorant crap that passes for music down here. the rest of the world doesnt even hear most of it. This satire of soulja boy is priceless