Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How Can You Hate When the Shit's This Funny?

Bay Area 4 Life Son!!!


Wordsworth the IV said...

haha the scenes where that dude has the courage or stupidty (not sure which) to ride around in traffic cracked me up. Are they the only people that do that over there? is this catching on? And are those guys making noise out there, or are they just another group of highschool kids who rap on the weekend?

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about "The Trunk Boiz" but from reading the youtube comments I grasp that they're in highschool and have some sort of "album" that they slang on campus. But this video is makin' noise, so I wouldn't be surprised if we hear more from them (it's sure better than "cupcakin'.)"

Anonymous said...

Yo this is why we folks from da bay are called trend setters like yeeee! Yadadamean, thats just bay culture where there are no limits to the creative elements of livin in da city. As a fella from day Bay, all I gotta say is thats how we get down. Laugh all you want but I'm sure you tryin to find a scraper bike right now.
